In this article we are presenting to you the training that IPS provides to their agents but also the training that we offer to our clients as well as those that we will implement in the coming months.
In the security industry, each security guard or bodyguard must have either police/military training or basic private training (sometimes both) which is generally for a minimum period of 3 weeks to 2 years for a BTEC First Diploma; the average is 6 weeks in France for your information.
These few weeks of training are insufficient to be a good professional in this profession, but it is a first step; the importance of these basic trainings is that you can (and that we can) discover if you are made for this industry because, indeed, this profession must be a vocation and not a refuge!
Every year, we organize one or two trainings, ranging from 2 to 5 days depending on the content and the time we have.
We use the word training, but we could also call it awareness or IPS discovery because the topics we will cover may be new for some and mastered for others.
What matters to us during these gatherings is to discover new agents who can potentially join our teams, to create group cohesion for those who are already part of the structure, to explain or remind everyone how International Private Security & IPS BODYGUARD operate with their protocols and procedures and inform them about any updates or ongoing projects.
For example, in our last 2-days training we covered the following topics: discussion about the IPS company and its procedures, reminder of the applicable laws, updating of first aid skills, specific self-defense, conflict management and anti-terrorism awareness. On the second day we set up the operational field part with mission brief, practical implementation of what we studied the day before plus communications and team coordination, reports, debriefings...
5-day HEAT training:
Regarding our 5-days trainings, they vary in content, for example this year (in June 2022) we are organizing an internal HEAT (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) since it is a service we sell to our clients.
The content of our HEAT includes some of the following topics such as first aid in remote areas, travel preparation (announcing your presence to your embassy, national law, history & geopolitics of the country, habits and customs…), culture of warfare and guerrillas’ ways of operation, operational deployment (movements & installation, supplies, communication, CBRN-E risks), self-defense, ensuring the safety of its teams, how to get out of dangerous situations...
5-day IPS training:
Previously we had organized the 5-day training this way:
Monday morning-> presentation of the IPS group, its working methods, its expectations, its projects, etc.
Monday afternoon and Tuesday-> first aid and first aid in remote areas (theory and practice)
Wednesday-> anti-terrorism (definitions & history, operating modes & countermeasures, profiles & motivations, types of weapons & explosive devices used, etc.)
Thursday morning -> Awareness on cyber-crime and countermeasures
Thursday afternoon -> self-defense specific to security forces and close protection operatives
Friday-> day of drill and team coordination (CONOPS, communication, walking & emergency response drills, convoy driving, SAP & recce work, surveillance & counter-surveillance etc.)
The purpose of our training is to be able to work on our knowledge and acquire new ones; we also participate and learn from our speakers who are experts in their field. We discover new agents who will potentially join our teams afterwards and we try to create a coordination of our workforce which will obviously be beneficial in the field for an optimal quality of service.
Finally, and we are very much of this, we want to have a good time together, learn from each other, share our experiences and our values in a good atmosphere and with good humor.
At IPS, we believe that working in a pleasant and serene atmosphere is beneficial for our customers and for our teams.
We reward our participants with a diploma and an internship report so that they can revise as they wish or even look for information that has been forgotten.
Education does not end with graduation. The world is constantly changing and as it changes your training must do the same or it will turn into mediocrity.
Clients training:
Regarding the training we offer to our clients, and as you can see on our website https://www.ips-bodyguard.com/en/training-courses/, we focused on the HEAT program (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) which includes a first aid part in remote areas and which can be provided independently. You have previously read what the HEAT program contains.
We grow a safety culture among our customers through this program. We train and give them tools that they will use for their future trips to areas or countries with high potential risks. At the end of this training, participants will have developed skills to anticipate and reduce their exposure to the risks and dangers they may face.
Corporate & associative training:
We are developing a brand new training that we will provide to groups such as industries, associations, NGOs or any group of individuals who would like to develop their knowledge in terms of security.
We speak about 100 safe points, no less than that! In which we share our national and international experiences with you. This one-of-a-kind training, accessible to all, whose content is simple to apply, will change your attitude, your observation and your reaction to most of the daily life risks and dangers.
Training security guards and bodyguards:
At this time, we do not directly provide certified training in France for agents who need their professional license, we have our training partner centers who will take care of this for the individual requests that we receive.
On the other hand, we have trainers in our workforce who work in these centers.
Online training courses:
We have noticed over the years that there are serious gaps and mistakes in the way people apply for a job in general (and at IPS in particular), and not only in the security industry but in many different others such as catering, construction, business and human services or even jobs with higher added value such as secretarial or accounting. We concluded that we could help and accompany you in this process, which is essential to get a result, so that your application could be opened and read, be interesting and make the human resources department want to receive you. Indeed, we start from the scratch with you, even before sending your email or your letter.
We have been working for several months on the creation and implementation of an online training course that will be developed in French and most certainly with English subtitles for our international community.
This training consists of 2 parts.
In the first part, we explain how to increase your chances by at least 70% of being recruited by a company (whether it is security or not). We share our experiences, what we expect from agents who wish to join our teams and we support you throughout your process. We claim to say that if you follow the many tips we share with you, you will greatly increase your chances of getting an interview and a job.
In the second part of this online training, we specifically get into security guards and bodyguards’ professions as well as the protocols & procedures that we use at International Private Security - IPS BODYGUARD.
We unveil these and show concrete examples, how to apply them, why and when.
We invite you into our world, reveal our way of working, the relationship between employee & employer, employer & client, employee and client, employee & employee.
We discuss the behaviors and the general state of mind to develop (whether on the site, between colleagues, with the client or with his employer), how to maintain your professional relations, the mistakes and subjects to avoid. We will talk about body and verbal language, work ethics, the importance of psychology in human relationships. We have a chapter on how to dress suitable, how to wear the uniform or the suit.
You will discover a huge amount of tips, details, tricks, mistakes not to make and experiences that we will share with you.
You will also have the possibility of contacting us to ask your questions, for any advice that we can give to you and we are working on the creation of a closed group of privileged people who will have purchased the online training course and who will be able to exchange each other as well as with us.
We are super excited to introduce you to these online training courses, which should be released before the end of 2022. The release dates and prices have not yet been fixed at the time of writing this section.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that many of you will be waiting for the release of this online training which will really help those who need to develop their safety culture, gain in confidence, professionalism and skills.
Thank you for your precious time, your feedback, your comments and your questions will be welcome.
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The IPS team.
International Private Security–IPS BODYGUARD–International Solutions Group